Meal Ministry Opportunities


The following provides general descriptions of the numerous tasks that are required to make the food pantry operate smoothly and efficiently. Potential volunteers can browse them to see what is entailed in various aspects of the pantry, and to see where their talents and interests might fit in. Current volunteers can use them to refresh their memories of what the various jobs entail. 


The various efforts involved in providing a hot meal to our guests includes opening & preparation, cooking & serving, and cleanup & closing. About 3-5 people are involved in these efforts each distribution. Each effort is described in general below.

Opening and Preparation, The cook and prep crew arrive about 1-1 ½ hours before start of serving time (serving time is 8:00 to 9:30 am for breakfasts, and 6:30 to 8:00 for dinners). All preparation surfaces are cleaned and refrigerator and freezer temperature logs and displays are checked. The stove is started and prepping and cooking started. The coffee makers are started, plates (or take out containers) and silverware are put out, and warming trays are set out. 2-5 people are involved.

Cooking and Serving,  Cooking is completed with temperature checks of meats made while being cooked. As guests line up the volunteers will serve the food.  After all have been served, guests are offered second helpings. After serving  any leftover food is offered to guests to take home. The number of guests served must be recorded for reporting to the Greater Boston Food Bank. About 5 people involved.

Cleanup and Closing,  Burners on the stove and the oven and the gas switch are shut off.  Dishes, cups, silverware should be washed with the dishwasher (per health code). The coffee makers are unplugged and washed. The stove and top is cleaned. Trash and recycle is discarded appropriately. Tables in the hall, the countertop, the serving cart, and the metal prep table are all cleaned. Replace all items used to their proper location. 3-5 people involved.